

Come join us from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. on the second floor of Massey Tucker Hall in room MT207. Every week we have food, games, and a lesson followed by discussion groups. Students dive deep into the Word while their parents attend their Equipping Hour class. We hope you'll join us! (If you are here because you are diligently searching for the donut sign up, congratulations! It can be found on our linktree here!)


Every Sunday night during the school year from 5-7 p.m. on the Grace Athletic Fields we have "CH!" This is a chance for students to come together in a less formal setting. We play yard games, eat dinner, jam to music, and then break into small discipleship groups. We'd love to see you there! (Ooo you overachiever...wanting to sign up for Crowded House meals? Do that through the linktree here!)

***No Crowded House June-August. Instead, come to our Summer Bible Studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7pm!

Students News

PCHAS Easter Baskets

Provide an Easter Basket to a family being helped by Presbyterian Children's Home and Services. Pick up your basket on February 9 or 16.

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Second Saturday Serve

Join us on campus or off on the second Saturday of the month to bless our community partners in lots of fun ways!

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The 5-10-5 Plan

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